-  Contractor Consulting Mineral Exploration Geological services of precious and basemetals (N. Greece & Thrace) .

-  Environmental and technical studies for licensing of mineral exploitation works .

-  Consultation services for Federal and State areas of metal extraction interest .

-  Land status  of mineral areas and recommendations .

-  Geological/structural mapping – multiple styles and scales, outcrop to regional .

-  Logistics, planning and execution of exploration and drilling programs .

-  Office and field drilling preparation solutions .

-  Core sampling and logging .

-  Geochemical Exploration (rock, stream sediment and soil sampling) – grass roots to advanced stage .

-  GIS data generation, processing and analysis .

-  Experience in domestic geologigal research programmes (mineral exploration in Northern Greece and Thrace) .

-  Target generation and work programme recommendations .

-  Targeting of mineral exploitation areas .

-  Excellent connections with the local industry and communities .

-  Practical solutions .